The Greenfield Police Department selected TracNet after an extensive RFP and selection process, which included four police departments. TracNet was chosen based on price, reputation, and the ability to integrate with other RMS in our area. The RMS also includes the ability to bar code and track evidence. TracNet has allowed us also to produce Crime Maps and monthly reports for the City Council and staff.
TracNet also provided hands on training for the Command Staff and all officers. TracNet continues to be available if any issues arrive. Like many departments, our RMS has to work with other (Legacy) programs, compiling reports for DOJ, SWITERS, and other systems. Both Patrol and Records Divisions have been very happy with our new RMS.
Joe Grebmeier, Chief of Police (Retired)
Ysela Serrano |
Records Supervisor | 831 674-5111 | |
Isabel Landerous | Police Clerk1 | 831 674-5111 | |
Population: 17,000, Employees:21, TracNet Implemented: 2006